Monday 19 September 2016

It was talking about an article in The Guardian about the return of the sweeper

A first draft, but by no means is it a final one. He sits in the hole, which is not what I want. Yaya Toure has also played this role during his time at Barcelona. It stretches the opposition in attack and gives me width in defence. The holding midfielder keeping the midfield together in…

Just watched an ep of 16 and pregnant and I have a question.
(18 September 2016)

Trying to get pregnant no period I need advice?
(18 September 2016)

So about the plan b one step pill?
(18 September 2016)

So after taking the plan b pill after one week I got something that was like a period.. But it was dark red and brown.. Could that mean I am pregnant?
(18 September 2016)

Can someone help me with this question?
(18 September 2016)

So I took plan be one step on my most fertile day about a week afterwards I got something like a period it was brown and dark red does that mean I'm pregnant?
(18 September 2016)

I don t want to go to a doctor, but I just want to know.
(18 September 2016)

The blood has suddenly stopped though, so I m worried that I somehow could have gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage.
(18 September 2016)

But today I woke up to heavy blood flow, which is confusing since I had my period less than a month ago.
(18 September 2016)

My partner was very cautious, having me take a plan b pill even though he used a condom (he was cautious because he fingered me after sex and he didn t wash his hands) So there s no way I could ve gotten pregnant.
(18 September 2016)

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