Wednesday 21 September 2016

It proves to be very helpful if you are planning a trip

You can purchase clothes online. You can buy accessories, footwear and many other things just by being at your place with the help of internet. You can know about different places in different countries by using internet on your mobile or laptop. To make your trip more comfortable, you can make online booking of your … Continue reading It proves to be very helpful if you are planning a trip

Also I had miscarried before inputting nexplanon but was 2 years ago and second pregnancy.
(20 September 2016)

Could this be my hormones trying to readjust since next week will make two months with implant out.
(20 September 2016)

I have done pregnancy test as well as full blood work up due to another issue about 2 weeks ago and not pregnant.
(20 September 2016)

Got off nexplanon in the last week of july and have been using plan b twice for encounters along with spermicide use.
(20 September 2016)

My fiance past away last night an NOT ONE PERSON has offered there condolances on Facebook! I am FURIOUS!?
(20 September 2016)

I kind of wander if they all know that their is a BUNCH of other men in love with me on the internet an that is why there not giving me any attention?
(20 September 2016)

I mean, what has to happen for me to get some attention?
(20 September 2016)

Even though we only knowed each other on the internet an I never saw Tim, he was the love of my life, my soul mate an my future husband, an now he is gone an I am heart broken.
(20 September 2016)

Then Tim found out he had cancer in his balls an it was spreading all ovar his body.
(20 September 2016)

I was having a court order drawed up so my asshole ex-husband would take custody of are son Max so I could move to Houston with Tim an his daughter Kim (Tim doesn't like other people's kids) so we could be married an start are life togethor.
(20 September 2016)

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