Wednesday 14 September 2016

Is Getting a Good Salary More Important than Having the Job You Really Want?

Our printers are a huge part of our work lives and increasingly important in our home and personal lives as well. Inkjet printers use, as you no doubt have worked out, liquid ink, while laser printers use a special powder known as toner. We’ll assume you’re ok with this, but you can opt-out if you … Continue reading "Is Getting a Good Salary More Important than Having the Job You Really Want?"

He makes me want to be around him all the time and he doesn't make me feel alone ever, but we can't hang out except at work and even then there's no time because well, its work.
(13 September 2016)

He makes my day by just walking into the doors of our job and I see his face.
(13 September 2016)

Right now I have many confused and mixed feelings and idk.
(13 September 2016)

Recently he told me if him and I were to ever date he would actually take his time with me because he thinks I would be the one.
(13 September 2016)

Recently I asked him if I were ever single would he ever consider trying to be with me and he said yes but once he and I are both ready but in the future next year if that were the case.
(13 September 2016)

Why do women on dating sites always abruptly stop talking to me and treat me so mean and cold online? It keeps happening and makes me angry?
(13 September 2016)

Anyway from now on I won't be telling these robotic, predictable women online where I work anymore or uploading my pics upon request.Until they stop being so typical.
(13 September 2016)

I honestly don't know what's wrong with these dumb females.
(13 September 2016)

This continuous cycle of women doing this is really starting to make me not want to talk to women online anymore.
(13 September 2016)

After I do this I'll see the women is still online just sitting there idle.
(13 September 2016)

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