Saturday 3 September 2016

I’m undecided…

Has Meelp been worth the $$ for your membership?_ Saran:I got my period the week of August 13th which is when I was normally due to get my period and it was a full period lasted about 7 days.(27 August 2016) Saran:I last had sex on July 20, he wore a condom everything was fine.(27 August 2016) Yessenia:What [...]

For the few that actually reply to him and become interested in him (and mention meeting up for a first date, coffee, etc.), he rejects them and says he's no good and can't understand why any woman would ever want anything to do with him.
(2 September 2016)

(2 September 2016)

And now, with him no longer being there, I think I m starting to have feelings for him.
(2 September 2016)

Do you think he actually did want to hook up with me or did he actually like me and is upset at my hurtful comment?
(2 September 2016)

Now he won t talk to me, even though he wants to stay friends.
(2 September 2016)

He got a little defensive and said that wasn t his intention at all.
(2 September 2016)

I wasn t sure how I felt about all of it (I ve never been in a relationship before). It got to a point where his jokes were becoming sexual and I asked him if he was just wanting to hook up.
(2 September 2016)

He would always tell me how pretty I was or would make flirty jokes, etc.
(2 September 2016)

I met him about 2 days into college and he latched onto me really quickly.
(2 September 2016)

(2 September 2016)

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