Saturday 3 September 2016

If you’re looking for some fun….I’ve got what you need.

richmond, Virginia // Terisa:He retired so he is home or playing golf or doing work on the house, and when I do clean the kitchen or deem it clean, it is not satisfactory to him.(26 August 2016) Terisa:So much so, that when I graduate I will not want to have anything to do with [...]

I think he still wants to be a teenage boy and hang out with his friends without them teasing him, calling him whipped.
(2 September 2016)

I dont think he is ready to get into anything just yet.
(2 September 2016)

But Im scared to talk to him about it.
(2 September 2016)

His mom keeps telling me that even though there isnt a relationship, theres love and thats what counts.
(2 September 2016)

I know he would do anything for me.
(2 September 2016)

I think we will get back together given time.
(2 September 2016)

Im happy with the relationship we have now, but at the same time I know im not.
(2 September 2016)

We still sleep over each others houses, and we still sleep together.
(2 September 2016)

We still hang out, spend time together.
(2 September 2016)

Its almost like nothings changed.
(2 September 2016)

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