Sunday 11 September 2016

i love my crazy life…!!! :-p

heraklion, gr, Greece // Meta:Liking a freshman as a senior?(3 September 2016) Paula:Do you have any toddler siblings?(3 September 2016) Coretta:I’m a young guy, and I want to date a conservative Christian traditional woman whose fine with being a homemaker, raising a family, and being a homeschool mom.(3 September 2016) Floy:Recording girls when?(3 September 2016) Marcy:Recording with [...]

Is their any daycare or form of child care for children 14 and up?
(10 September 2016)

Should I start on or is there available daycare for this age range?
(10 September 2016)

My daughters are 14 and 16. I will not be home after school,so will need someone or someplace to watch my children.
(10 September 2016)

I mean really ugly and I dont want to date someone like him.
(10 September 2016)

He sent me a picture of him for the first time and it was ugly.
(10 September 2016)

I dont know how to tell him I want to break up.
(10 September 2016)

I have been dating this guy online for months.
(10 September 2016)

I'm so scared but do not believe in abortions.
(10 September 2016)

I'm on the pill and he wore a conform.
(10 September 2016)

Me and my boyfriend have been together almost 3 years (I'm 16 in Nov). We were ready to have sex.
(10 September 2016)

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