Sunday 11 September 2016

I am a bi female that is 29..looking for female playmates

Stratford, Ontario, Canada // Joellen:I see him at his shows and im always with a diff guy.(2 September 2016) Joellen:Ive only kissed him on the cheek.(2 September 2016) Lashawna:Should I pursue her or ask her out even though she said she doesn’t like me or just kinda for get about her in that way?(2 September [...]

Now she just doesn t talk to me.
(11 September 2016)

And a couple days after that she was like so happy.
(11 September 2016)

Not too long ago me and and a girl told each other we liked each other.
(11 September 2016)

My girlfriend is too much open minded....m i wrong or she is cheating...!!!?
(11 September 2016)

Un dia fatal sin nobia. en my birthday?
(11 September 2016)

How do I ask a girl to come to homecoming with me?
(11 September 2016)

I'm a really shy guy and I want to ask this girl to homecoming with me. people told me that she likes me and so I was thinking of taking her. it's just I don't know what to do.
(11 September 2016)

Why neither rich american wives do not divorce in case they are cheated Is there any law which brings disadvantage to woman in divorce?
(11 September 2016)

My boyfriend just ask me to have a child with him?
(11 September 2016)

He also mention If he comes back after 10 years , would I accept him back?
(11 September 2016)

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