Saturday 10 September 2016

I also had the Blade Runner Soundtrack on tape later as a very unhip teen

I’ve been making junto tracks since the first one, but not that regularly, maybe once a month or so. I have been a Vangelis fan since I first found the Chariots of Fire LP in my Easter basket as a young lad. I really liked the Jerusalem song cause we don’t hear it all the…

Yesterday, three of us went out and she started getting close to my boyfriend.
(10 September 2016)

We ve been dating for 6 months now.
(10 September 2016)

I didn t want her to be hurt because I was confident that the guy and I will start dating.
(10 September 2016)

Some people told me that she has a massive crush on him but I very nicely asked her about the same and she refused.
(10 September 2016)

I got to know my boyfriend because of her only.
(10 September 2016)

They are very good friends for 4 years.
(10 September 2016)

I ve had a friend for almost 2 years who is also one of my boyfriend s best friends.
(10 September 2016)

I see him being lonely and rejected his entire life.
(10 September 2016)

Hes never had a gf and he might not ever.
(10 September 2016)

It might suck if he killed himself but wouldn't it be better for him in the long run?
(10 September 2016)

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