Thursday 22 September 2016

Hi m looking for hot girls..

su madre, hlo, Bhutan // Melva:I have tried to tell her but it’s just disgusting to me.(13 September 2016) Melva:I keep having to throw it out which I feel bad for but it’s getting annoying now.(13 September 2016) Melva:Hello out there I have a problem my grandmother keeps giving me old stale out of date [...]

That was until he said he would use his to help pay his mom's debt ($10 grand for a lot of dental work.) Now I'm not opposed to helping people out but my husband already gives her $150-200 a month.
(21 September 2016)

I planned on using the babysitting money to pay off debt.
(21 September 2016)

I'm happy about it because my husband and I are $20,000 in debt.
(21 September 2016)

My husband thinks I should continue watching his sister's baby for free (been doing this for almost 3 months.) Well, she offered to start paying me.
(21 September 2016)

Am I wrong for liking this girl?
(21 September 2016)

So bottom line, my question is: am I wrong for liking her because of our age difference?
(21 September 2016)

I also know at this age, 12 and 15 can sound like the biggest age differences in the world.
(21 September 2016)

Nothing about her at all struck me as her being on a different age than me for we are definitely on the same maturity level.
(21 September 2016)

However I met this girl online about a month and a half ago through an artist we both like.
(21 September 2016)

I am quite introverted, and also do not particularly like anyone in my area.
(21 September 2016)

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