Thursday 22 September 2016

Has your family been watching The Olympic Games this year?

She dreams of going to Rio one day and has loved it ever since she was little. Mary’s been an active child ever since I could remember. From ballet to soccer, she has been involved in so much and loves a lot of sports. I remember the first day she got a soccer ball for [...]

Plus he s always posting stuff on Facebook& Instagram.
(22 September 2016)

But I don t believe he s that busy that he can t send a simple text.
(22 September 2016)

I don t know what s wrong I thought he liked me, I asked him about it and he said he was just busy with work.
(22 September 2016)

He looks at my snapchat story & doesn t even try to talk to me.
(22 September 2016)

Anyways, that was last week and he hasn t been talking to me at all since.
(22 September 2016)

He told me he wanted to be my boyfriend & stuff.
(22 September 2016)

I told him I wasn t ready just yet cuz I wanted to hang out with him more before we took it to the next level.
(22 September 2016)

We kissed a few times and he told me he really liked me and that he wanted to be more than friends.
(22 September 2016)

We met for the first time in like 4 years, we went out at night and just cruised around.
(22 September 2016)

A year ago, he messaged me on Facebook& we started talking again, we always planned on hanging out but it never happened until last week.
(22 September 2016)

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