Monday 19 September 2016

Happy memorial Day

Have a safe and fun weekend // Yasmin:I’m scared to talk to boys.. Help!!?(11 September 2016) Wendolyn:Do pedophiles still like you at age 15?(11 September 2016) Yolanda:I like a boy but I have social anxiety?!?(11 September 2016) Yolanda:And it doesn’t help that I uncontrollably laugh too and my laugh is NOT pretty.(11 September 2016) Marisha:Evangeline or Evangelina?(11 September 2016) Marisha:I also [...]

How do I get her to sit next to me?
(18 September 2016)

But she gets on the bus a few stops after me.
(18 September 2016)

We haven't seen each other alone for like a year and a bit, we're always around friends when I wanna speak to her.
(18 September 2016)

I figure life is too short so I should do something about it.
(18 September 2016)

Alright I haven't spoken to this girl for a while but I've had a crush on her since school and we're in college now.
(18 September 2016)

Im really upset. my dad told me to take my makeup off because i look like a whore. why is he mean like that?
(18 September 2016)

How can you tell when your friend really cares vs when they just want to be evil towards you with pride, arrogance etc?
(18 September 2016)

For example I recently slept with someone 8 years older than me and I'm kinda feeling like I shouldn't have.
(18 September 2016)

I think I am pretty cool and unique but I feel like no one wants to discover anything deeper about me than my body.
(18 September 2016)

I feel like guys just use me, and I don't think I'm easy necessarily but I still feel that way.
(18 September 2016)

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