Friday 23 September 2016

Get to know me? :)

I want a guy I can talk to about anything just chill on the couch and prop my legs on top of his and play some ps4 kill some zombies and just have a chill time. Everyone has issues I myself have anxiety but I’m looking for someone who doesn’t have any crazy issues no [...]

She won't stop following me?
(22 September 2016)

This girl has no other friends and wont stop following me.
(22 September 2016)

New crowd I met - STRANGE!!!?
(22 September 2016)

What do you think of them after what I told you?
(22 September 2016)

The other woman in the group says she wants to find a man for money and doesn't care what he looks like These 3 people claim to be religious.
(22 September 2016)

Another woman in the group has a child by a married man that she dumped on her mother and doesn't take care of her child.
(22 September 2016)

I've recently moved abroad and I got to know some new people.
(22 September 2016)

She is out of my league, but i dont want to come off as akward when i tell her how i feel.
(22 September 2016)

Did the same thing to a guy her Mom dated before she met me.
(22 September 2016)

What should I tell him? ;-;?
(22 September 2016)

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