Monday, 12 September 2016

Erik Bleich has written extensively on the subject of racist speech and the law

These laws are highly symbolic of a commitment to curb racism. But they are also more than just symbols. There is a strong philosophical rationale for this position. Vigorous debate leads to the best possible set of beliefs. Or do these organizations represent a credible threat to personal safety and civil peace?_ Carroll:But it s her [...]

I'm now starting week three of my birth control pack.
(12 September 2016)

I took a pregnancy test because I was so worried and it was negative.
(12 September 2016)

It never fills a single pad and only lasts a couple of days.
(12 September 2016)

I do forget to take my pills once in a while but like I was instructed I take the pill as soon as I remember (usually the next day). But the past few months my period has gotten very weird. (TMI here) it's really light and it's a dark brown.
(12 September 2016)

So I have been on birth control for a year and a half and haven't had any issues.
(12 September 2016)

Surf or skateboard magazine subscription for present for a guy?
(12 September 2016)

How do you get fingered?
(12 September 2016)

Also like what should I do with my hands while he's doing it?
(12 September 2016)

We're probably gonna be in a bed and I want to know like what position we're gonna be in?
(12 September 2016)

Okay so I think I'm going to get fingered for the first time and I'm really nervous.
(12 September 2016)

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