Sunday 18 September 2016

Do you believe that the employees of your organization are doing their job properly?

Sometimes, it happens that people using the node system start doing something other than the assigned job. It enables to keep an eye over all the systems with the facility to control that one with keyboard and mouse. It also has the feature of blocking the access to pen drives, external hard drives and CD/ … Continue reading Do you believe that the employees of your organization are doing their job properly?

Say a guy who's not a virgin, would he care if a girl is virgin?
(17 September 2016)

Girls:what would you think if some guy in the same classroom said threesome over and over and was goodlooking?
(17 September 2016)

Would you associate with that person or forgive them?
(17 September 2016)

Relationship question??
(17 September 2016)

I really like him though :( Am I ugly?
(17 September 2016)

So how can we still salvage our friendship?
(17 September 2016)

We are obviously still mad a each other but I feel bad for what I said but I don't want to forgive her easily due to the pain she put me through.
(17 September 2016)

She texted back but didn't give me an answer.
(17 September 2016)

Since we hadn't come to a conclusion on the argument though I said that we should discuss it later and maybe be a little more civilized this time.
(17 September 2016)

I apologized and said that hopefully we can get passed this and learn and grow from this.
(17 September 2016)

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