Saturday 3 September 2016


DO YOU STILL DATE AND WHAT KIND OF DATES ARE YOU INTO GOING ON? yeah this is a short post. i will answer mine in a lil bit_ Obdulia:I don’t feel anything?(26 August 2016) Obdulia:I feel like if my mom was gone I won’t be affected?(26 August 2016) Obdulia:I fee numb, and she actually annoys me most of [...]

How to break it to Sue that she's not my girlfriend.
(2 September 2016)

A girl in my town name Sue thinks I'm her boyfriend just because we watch movies in her house, go to fast food places, text, and have sex.
(2 September 2016)

Should I go to the funeral for my mother's cousin when I only met the guy once?
(2 September 2016)

She wants me to go because I went with my Dad to his cousin's funeral last week but his cousin I knew well and saw once a month.
(2 September 2016)

My mother hadn't even seen the guy in 11 years.
(2 September 2016)

My mother wants me to come, it is on Tuesday, but I only met the man once in the 31 years I have been alive.
(2 September 2016)

My boyfriend is 23 years older than me?
(2 September 2016)

I try my best to ignore but it's getting out of hand.
(2 September 2016)

Do you people think the placebo effect works?
(2 September 2016)

Because I gave it to her at 10 at night.
(2 September 2016)

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