Wednesday 14 September 2016

But he was not the greatest or deepest problem in this area

He was the most visible part of the problem. For me personally I find it sad that a country like England would allow cowards like these men in. They have also provided a constant stream of people willing to follow through the words with actions. But Choudary’s conviction for encouraging people to join ISIS should [...]

My butt crack was showing the whole day today at school and my friend decides to tell me at the very end of the day.
(13 September 2016)

Are there a lot of girls that are clingy?
(13 September 2016)

Are there a lot of clingy girls (in college)?
(13 September 2016)

But I'm worried that not a lot of girls like that, and I'm also worried that there aren't any girls who are the same way.
(13 September 2016)

I know it's a stupid question, but I want a girlfriend that is clingy, that gets jealous when I talk to other girls, who wants my full undivided attention, always wants to be with me, and someone who wants me to smother them with kisses.
(13 September 2016)

(13 September 2016)

I can't continue going to this school, my parents are no help.
(13 September 2016)

I was thinking I could run away and somehow find my way to join the army, but im about 13 years old... please help.
(13 September 2016)

I feel like running away, or dying if I may say.
(13 September 2016)

Seemed like she was just around me then she wouldn't seem like a loner.
(13 September 2016)

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