Wednesday 14 September 2016

A la recherche …

Wavre, Belgium // Pei:He was pretty big and we want too fast I thing so I started to bleed.. Fresh red blood.(6 September 2016) Pei:I had sex for the first time last night with a guy that I really like and likes me too.(6 September 2016) Verena:Is receiving nudes considered cheating?(6 September 2016) Verena:Though I asked [...]

But this year, I've noticed that he doesn't talk to me as much.
(14 September 2016)

His first hour is in my hallway though, so I hang in his class for ten minutes before going to mine.
(14 September 2016)

But this year, we are on different teams (different groups of eighth graders) so we have zero classes together.
(14 September 2016)

We were really good friends all last year because we had the same first hour, and we always talked in first hour class before the school day actually started.
(14 September 2016)

We met over our fandom of Doctor Who.
(14 September 2016)

So I've been friends with a boy named Eli since the beginning of the school year last year.
(14 September 2016)

But I see her on the bus this year after just over a year without speaking so I'm unsure how often to speak to her before asking her out.
(14 September 2016)

Rape, or not rape?
(14 September 2016)

Girl is extremely drunk and can hardly walk.
(14 September 2016)

I'm going to love it and have a happy family.
(14 September 2016)

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