Wednesday 24 August 2016

You Can Put Your Confidence In God

Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?If God Made Yo_ Twila:I didn’t want it at the time, and I was confused.(18 August 2016) Twila:Half-way [...]

Should I text my ex??! please help?
(23 August 2016)

I havent stopped thinking about this other guy though, and want to know if it would be weird if I messaged him out of no where to catch up?
(23 August 2016)

A few months ago I went on a couple of dates with my old high school crush, but decided not to lead him on any longer since i was also talking to my current boyfriend at the time, and so things just didnt work out.
(23 August 2016)

My current boyfriend and I are having some issues, I'm really confused as to what I want because I feel like he doesn't care about me so I told him I needed a break.
(23 August 2016)

Should you purposely try and make a guy jealous?
(23 August 2016)

Me and him have one class together (American sign language class, boring) but we just watched a movie.
(23 August 2016)

So I have a crush on a 10th grader (I m a 9th grade). Backstory: we use to be neighbors but he moved and he still go to the have school has me.
(23 August 2016)

Why does she enjoy giving me a hard time?
(23 August 2016)

Or I don't know, but when I blush and get really shy, she gets really happy.
(23 August 2016)

Maybe because I blush and stutter like crazy or because I shout nervously and look down a lot, as well.
(23 August 2016)

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