A had a few times before but I was trying to move on.
(24 August 2016)
A month and a half after our breakup, he reached out to me.
(24 August 2016)
I broke up with him, thinking it would be for good, as there was too much going on and we both couldn t afford to see each other as often as we wanted because of financial reasons.
(24 August 2016)
We were arguing constantly while apart, but together we were fine.
(24 August 2016)
He s only the second guy I ve ever loved and I still love him.
(24 August 2016)
We dated for eight months and then he moved six hours away because he got laid off and had to move back home with his parents (we re 22). Towards the end of the relationship we were arguing lots.
(24 August 2016)
Does having a big booty officially means a female is attractive?
(24 August 2016)
I'm 15 dating a 21 year old?
(24 August 2016)
The decision is up to me but I'm just looking for opinions.
(24 August 2016)
If anyone finds out I know he'll get in trouble because we've had sex.
(24 August 2016)
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