Am going to Melbourne 15 and 16th Aug so hoping to get some action down there some big cocks in me and to suck and hmm to besucked off i hope too_ Louann:I’m going to college because I don’t want to be a drug dealer.(24 August 2016) Louann:My older brother has always had more popilaratity and friends [...]
They'll vividly describe vaginas and buttholes and all they'll ever speak about is sex it makes me cringe.
(30 August 2016)
Honestly I get horny too it's apart of life but some guys go extreme.
(30 August 2016)
Anonymous, you post these different types of eyebrow shapes?
(30 August 2016)
Can you post me a pic of a guy with below average, average AND above average looking eyebrows.
(30 August 2016)
Weird heartbeat after getting choked?
(30 August 2016)
Like it feels like a stuggle, and my breathing is off too, like more shallow, idk if it's aniexity or something actually happened to me that damaged something?
(30 August 2016)
Now I notice that something seems off about my heartbeat.
(30 August 2016)
Ladies: He always tells me how happy I make him etc?
(30 August 2016)
Every time we go out on dates he'll always text me how much I make him the happiest guy and that he thinks I'm so breathtaking beautiful . We both love each other no doubt but is it normal to always tell someone how happy they make you?
(30 August 2016)
This guy and I are seeing each other but no relationship as of yet due to traveling right now.
(30 August 2016)
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