Sunday, 28 August 2016

hi how are you!

madisonville, Kentucky // Staci:In the corner of my eye I could see she made a sharp turn with her head in my direction I really kinda like staying to myself.(21 August 2016) Helaine:Is this my period or should I take a pregnancy test again?(21 August 2016) Helaine:Is this the beginning of my period, or should [...]

A guy wanted to dance and my sister does not know I m gay, nor would she approve so needless to say she does not know my partner and I are dating.
(28 August 2016)

I recently went to the club with my sister, I mostly accompanying her because she has no partner and doesn t want to go Alone.
(28 August 2016)

I am in a homosexual relationship with another women.
(28 August 2016)

Why do people spread so much lie about me?
(28 August 2016)

Is it bad??
(28 August 2016)

And is it bad that we are together?
(28 August 2016)

I've had it before but never with someone his age.
(28 August 2016)

So.. I'm 15. And I'm in love with a 23 year old... We've been together for 2 years now and the most we've done is play with each other.
(28 August 2016)

My age is 32 and i am bit childish and happy often.
(28 August 2016)

Well i have thought of a short massage on her back same 15 minutes each morning and evening also...Cool imagination?
(28 August 2016)

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